Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)
South Huron. Municipal Office, Exeter Public Swimming Pool, Public Swimming PoolExeter Pool Office (June to August): 519-235-3169 Outdoor swimming pool * swimming lessons & public swim times
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron - Ausable Line, South Huron. Landfill SiteSouth Huron Municipal office: 519-235-0310 Landfill accepts: some recyclable materials * yard waste * metal * propane tanks * refrigerant appliances * shingles asphalt * construction waste accepted and recycled
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron - Main St S Municipal OfficeSouth Huron 519-235-0310 Administers services and facilities for the municipality such as Clerk's office, emergency services, financial services, by-laws, building & planning, parks & recreation (cemetery), environme ...
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron Recreation Centre Field, Community Ball Park, Soccer Pitch, Skate Park and Children's Activity CentreExeter 519-235-2833 Home to three softball diamonds, one hardball diamond and a mini ball diamond * children's play equipment located near Victoria St entrance * horse ring with viewing stands