You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Victorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch

There are 13 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Congregate Dining

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Congregate DiningNorth Perth 519-291-5898 Hot nutritious, full course meals available to seniors and adults with disabilities. Social activities such as cards, games, entertainment etc or informative sessions relating to issues that may conc ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day Program

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day ProgramNorth Perth 519-291-5898 The Adult Day Program service is available to older adults and adults with special needs who may be having difficulty with activities of daily living and would benefit from interacting in a social, r ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Perth-Huron Branch - Meals on Wheels

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Perth-Huron Branch - Meals on WheelsNorth Perth 519-291-5898 Ext 6353 Volunteers deliver nourishing meals to people unable to cook or shop for themselves. Volunteers delivering meals also provide a social contact and a security check Hot meals are delivered around 12 n ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Perth-Huron Branch - Volunteer Friendly Visiting

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, Perth-Huron Branch - Volunteer Friendly VisitingNorth Perth 519-291-5898 Volunteer Visiting is a support program which matches a volunteer with a senior, a person with a disability or chronic illness living in the community who is isolated, lonely or could just use a frie ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, VON - Blood Pressure Clinics

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, VON - Blood Pressure ClinicsNorth Perth 519-291-5898 Free Clinics offered to seniors and older adults over the age of 55 with a chronic condition who wish to monitor their blood pressure. Blood Pressure Clinics: First Thu of the month - Skyline Living, ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, VON SMART Group & Exercise Program

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, VON SMART Group & Exercise ProgramNorth Perth 519-291-5898 Ext 6360 A weekly one hour exercise class specifically designed for seniors and adults with disabilities. To Register for Classes Call: Community Support Services Intake at 1-844-482-7800 or VON at 519-291-58 ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, VON Transportation Service

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Listowel, VON Transportation ServiceNorth Perth 519-291-5898 Ext 6353, EasyRide 519-272-9875 Volunteer and staff drivers provide seniors, adults with disabilities and others requiring transportation in the North Perth Community with transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping, Ad ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day Program

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day ProgramStratford 519-271-7991 The Adult Day Program service is available to older adults and adults with special needs who may be having difficulty with activities of daily living and would benefit from interacting in a social, r ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch - Palliative Care Visiting Program

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch - Palliative Care Visiting ProgramStratford 519-271-7991 The Palliative Care Visiting Program is a free support program which matches a volunteer with an individual living with a life-threatening illness and bereaved families/friends in their homes, hospit ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch - Special Steps Walking Program

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch - Special Steps Walking ProgramStratford 519-271-7991 The Special Steps program provides mobile individuals diagnosed with Dementia, such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD) who are living independently in the community with activity and companionship. Particip ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron Branch

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Perth-Huron Branch - Long Dr, Perth-Huron BranchStratford 519-271-7991 Helps maintain independence in home and community with various programs including: SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program - health education and exercise for seniors and ol ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, St Marys Memorial Hospital, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day Program

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, St Marys Memorial Hospital, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day ProgramSt Marys 519-271-7991 The Adult Day Program service is available to older adults and adults with special needs who may be having difficulty with activities of daily living and would benefit from interacting in a social, r ... [More]

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Stratford - West Gore St, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day Program, Stratford - West Gore St

Map RecordVictorian Order of Nurses - Perth-Huron Branch, Stratford - West Gore St, Perth-Huron Branch - Adult Day Program, Stratford - West Gore StStratford 519-271-7991 Ext 6356 The Adult Day Program service is available to older adults and adults with special needs who may be having difficulty with activities of daily living and would benefit from interacting in a social, r ... [More]

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