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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 11 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)

Map RecordBullying Canada

Map RecordBullying CanadaBrampton 1-877-352-4497, Toll free Created by youth, 100% volunteer based, dedicated to providing resources and support for all Canadians affected by bullying. Provides a 24/7 toll free telephone support service. Offers information, he ... [More]

Map RecordCanada. Indigenous Services Canada, Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement - Health Supports Call Centres

Map RecordCanada. Indigenous Services Canada, Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement - Health Supports Call CentresGatineau 1-888-301-6426, Health Supports Call Centre in Ontario, toll free Indian residential schools resolution health support program * offers professional counseling and emotional support * cultural support provided by Elders * assistance with the cost of transportation ... [More]

Map RecordCanadian Centre to End Human Trafficking, Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

Map RecordCanadian Centre to End Human Trafficking, Canadian Human Trafficking HotlineToronto 1-833-993-7867, National Office Confidential, victim-centered phone line and online chat connecting victims and survivors with social services, local emergency services including law enforcement, and transition and long-term support ... [More]

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Mental Health Services - Huron Perth Helpline and Crisis Response Team, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Mental Health Services - Huron Perth Helpline and Crisis Response Team, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Seaforth - 28 Centennial DrHuron East 1-866-527-8421 Ext 4800, Admin 24 hour helpline and crisis line, counselling service for individuals in acute emotional distress and/or with mental illness, face-to-face support and assessment 7 days a week in the local community s ... [More]

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Mental Health Services - Huron Perth Helpline and Crisis Response Team, SGH - Special Services Unit - Stratford, SGH - Special Services Unit - Stratford

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Mental Health Services - Huron Perth Helpline and Crisis Response Team, SGH - Special Services Unit - Stratford, SGH - Special Services Unit - StratfordStratford 1-866-527-8421 Ext 4800 24 hour helpline and crisis line, counselling service for individuals in acute emotional distress and/or with mental illness, face-to-face support and assessment 7 days a week in the local community s ... [More]

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Community Treatment Orders Program

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Community Treatment Orders ProgramHuron East 519-272-8210 Ext 2909 The Community Treatment Orders (CTO) Program provides information and support to those who are being considered for a CTO, as well as to their substitute decision maker, if any. This program also prov ... [More]

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Mental Health Services

Map RecordHuron Perth Healthcare Alliance, Seaforth - 28 Centennial Dr, Mental Health ServicesHuron East 519-527-8421 Ext 4800 Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) satellite offices offer the following Outpatient Mental Health programs and services: * Crisis Intervention Program * Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Program * Tra ... [More]

Map RecordHuron Women's Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling Services - Emergency Women's Shelter, Huron Women's Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling Services

Map RecordHuron Women's Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling Services - Emergency Women's Shelter, Huron Women's Shelter, Second Stage Housing & Counselling ServicesGoderich 519-524-5333 Emergency Shelter Offer emergency residence for women and their children who are experiencing gender based violence. Services are provided at no cost. A 24 hour accessible facility with 8 bedrooms av ... [More]

Map RecordOptimism Place Women's Shelter and Support Services, Listowel, North Perth Resource Centre

Map RecordOptimism Place Women's Shelter and Support Services, Listowel, North Perth Resource CentreNorth Perth 519-271-5130 Violence Against Women Resource Centre is open by appointment to meet with women or children in North Perth that need counselling or transition supports. Women and children in need of safe and protec ... [More]

Map RecordStop Violence Against Women of Perth County, Stratford, Coordinating Committee

Map RecordStop Violence Against Women of Perth County, Stratford, Coordinating CommitteeStratford 226-808-2908 A collaboration of diverse representatives from various agencies in Perth County who are committed to the education, awareness, and prevention of violence against women. For information about support ... [More]

Map RecordVictim Services Huron Perth, Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario

Map RecordVictim Services Huron Perth, Victim Crisis Assistance OntarioCentral Huron 519-600-4108, Victim Services Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available. Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention and cri ... [More]

My Perth Huron
Connect Youth Perth Huron
iVolunteer Perth Huron
United Way Perth Huron