Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Office Phone Description (Brief)
South Huron. Municipal Office, Dashwood Community Centre  519-235-2833 Designated COOLING and WARMING station. Hall typically used for craft shows, banquets, reunions, family parties, Buck and Does, weddings and fundraisers with a capacity of 180 people. Has both an uppe ...
South Huron. Municipal Office, Exeter Fire Station, South Huron. Fire DepartmentSouth Huron 519-235-1981, Exeter Station; 519-237-3618 - Dashwood Station ; 519-237-3357, Dashwood * Provides emergency fire services * Has fire stations in Dashwood, and Exeter
South Huron. Municipal Office, Exeter Public Swimming Pool, Public Swimming PoolExeter Pool Office (June to August): 519-235-3169 Outdoor swimming pool * swimming lessons & public swim times
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron - Ausable Line, South Huron. Landfill SiteSouth Huron Municipal office: 519-235-0310 Landfill accepts: some recyclable materials * yard waste * metal * propane tanks * refrigerant appliances * shingles asphalt * construction waste accepted and recycled
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron - Main St S Municipal OfficeSouth Huron 519-235-0310 Administers services and facilities for the municipality such as Clerk's office, emergency services, financial services, by-laws, building & planning, parks & recreation (cemetery), environme ...
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron Recreation Centre Field, Community Ball Park, Soccer Pitch, Skate Park and Children's Activity CentreExeter 519-235-2833 Home to three softball diamonds, one hardball diamond and a mini ball diamond * children's play equipment located near Victoria St entrance * horse ring with viewing stands
South Huron. Municipal Office, South Huron Recreational CentreSouth Huron 519-235-2833, 519-235-0310 Spacious, air conditioned hall can be rented. Kitchen area, bar area and beverage cooler. Ice pad available in winter months. Arena floor perfect for large functions during summer. Concessions availab ...
South Huron. Municipal Office, Stephen Township Arena  519-228-6425 Ice pad, public skating and hockey